Sunday, October 19, 2008

And I'm back...

Day Two: I just came in from a swim in the Gulf of Thailand off the island of Koh Chang, and I finally remember why I came here. If you had asked me twenty-four hours ago, I would not have. It was a rough go the first thirty-six hours. I'd forgotten how hard jetlag can hit, how gloomy and miserable Kaje and I can get when jetlagged, and how culture shock can make you feel physically ill. This much I already knew. What I didn't know was how terrible Bangkok would be. Someone once told me that Bangkok is the a-hole of the Eastern World. I probably should reserve judgement until I return when I'm not jetlagged, but my first impression wasn't positive. My instinct was to get out of there as quickly as possible, and that's what we did.

I'm going to write again soon, because this blog is a little more impromptu than they usually are. We are probably going to stay on Koh Chang for a week, and I can't imagine that we'll be getting up to much in the way of shenanigans just yet because the jetlag and heat are still making me want to sleep more than anything else.

More exciting stuff to come, I promise!


P.S. It's hot here. Really, really bloody hot.

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